Sunday 7 December 2014

Splurge vs Save! Urban Decay Electric Palette vs Sleek Ultra MattPalette

Whether you know me personally or through my blog & Instagram you will probably know that I am obsessed with warm neutral eyeshadows hence why I love the naked palette series so much. So when Urban Decay came out with the Electric Palette I was both intrigued and scared. I was torn between my love for UD eyeshadows and my fright of bright eyeshadows. I really really wanted this palette so I looked up reviews and swatches and I tried to convince myself I needed it to start incorporating colour into my future eye looks... But it was a hefty price tag at €45 for someone to mostly only wears neutral eyeshadow. One day a few weeks later I was browsing through when I came across this Sleek Ultra Matt eyeshadow palette when I thought to myself hey that looks a bit like... Yep you guessed it, the Urban Decay Electric palette. Similar look with a massive price difference at wait for it... €9.99!!!! I mean come on, I know which palette I was going to be purchasing! Sleek can also be bought in Boots for the same price. 

I swatched the UD palette and I found the formulation to be the same as all the Naked series eyeshadows which is amazing as many people know. The pigmentation is brilliant with the normal standard from UD shadows which are smooth and blendable. This palette has 10 vibrant shades with a mix of matte, shimmer and satin finishes. 

Then we have the Sleek ultra matt palette. Sleek eyeshadows have been compared to the UD ones many times and in my opinions this palette isn't any different. Again the formulation is on point, creamy and blends really well. Like the UD palette, this also has 10 vibrant eyeshadows however all shades are completely matte. As you can imagine I was all over that!

So my verdict, if you're a makeup lover who uses colour in your makeup looks a lot and if you're comfortable using lots of colour I think the Urban Decay palette is for you. However, if you are a person starting out with makeup or even just someone who sticks with mostly neutrals but wants to branch out I'd suggest the Sleek palette. Start with one pop of colour on a neutral eye, either on the lower lash line, the inner corner or centre of the lid.

Until next time guys, Alison x 

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