2015 has taught me a lot. It has taught me that so much can happen in a year, things change, people come & go and yet life still goes on but mostly importantly 2015 has taught me, well, about me!
2015 has been a year of growth, 12 months of battling and over coming things I never believed I could, 365 days of learning who I am and starting to really like that person.
A year ago today I was in a very different place in my life, I was a shadow of the person I am now, possibly the lowest I've ever been. This year I decided to take control of my life and my mental health instead of letting it control me. I made myself aware of the danger I was putting myself in.

2015 taught me the difference between lonely and alone. It's okay to be alone, it's health to enjoy your own company sometimes but that doesn't mean feeling lonely. This learned I learned how to express myself and how to ask for help. The help that was always closer than I anticipated.
This year I was reminded that blood is thicker than water. At the end of the day I can always count on my crazy & disfunctional family for love and support in everything I do.
I learned that as you get older it's okay for your circle to get smaller. Less friends but more of the right ones. Less frequent meetings but more meaningful. To my handful of close friends (you know who you are) I sincerely thank you for the love and encouragement I have received throughout the past year. Here's to many more!

I learned that I don't need a man or a partner to be complete. I am already complete. To the men of 2015, I thank you for the sleepless nights, the tears, the laughter and the heartbreak. Everything happens for a reason, our crossing paths were no different. Our experiences shape who we are and where we are meant to end up. This year I learned that at 22 years old, for right now, I am enough for me.

A year changes you a lot and that's okay!
As I sit here writing this piece, with multiple emotions over coming me, reminiscing about a year which has flown by, I have decided that 2016 is going to be whatever I want it to be, it's going to be good!

This year I made changes for the better and I'm going to continue doing what's best for me. I have decided to make myself a priority and put my own feeling and body first for a change. I have taken steps to make my mind healthier now I'm ready to make my body itself healthier.
I want 2016 to be a year of new experiences, a year to travel to new places and a year to make new memories with the most important people in my life. 2016 is shaping up to be a good year for me! I have secured my dream internship with a company full of empowering women who I know I will learn a lot from, it has been a hard road to get here but I am ready to put the work in for my future career. I have new tattoo bookings made and travel plans with friends.
This year I want to become more dedicated to blogging, to put out quality content, to be more consistent with posts and to get more involved in the irish blogging community. For years I have wanted to set up a YouTube but I've never had the confidence, maybe this year will be the year.
I am ready for the year to come!

Here's to the year that's gone and the year to come. I hope it brings you everything you need just as you need it.
Love, A x
2015 has been a year of growth, 12 months of battling and over coming things I never believed I could, 365 days of learning who I am and starting to really like that person.
A year ago today I was in a very different place in my life, I was a shadow of the person I am now, possibly the lowest I've ever been. This year I decided to take control of my life and my mental health instead of letting it control me. I made myself aware of the danger I was putting myself in.

2015 taught me the difference between lonely and alone. It's okay to be alone, it's health to enjoy your own company sometimes but that doesn't mean feeling lonely. This learned I learned how to express myself and how to ask for help. The help that was always closer than I anticipated.
This year I was reminded that blood is thicker than water. At the end of the day I can always count on my crazy & disfunctional family for love and support in everything I do.
I learned that as you get older it's okay for your circle to get smaller. Less friends but more of the right ones. Less frequent meetings but more meaningful. To my handful of close friends (you know who you are) I sincerely thank you for the love and encouragement I have received throughout the past year. Here's to many more!

I learned that I don't need a man or a partner to be complete. I am already complete. To the men of 2015, I thank you for the sleepless nights, the tears, the laughter and the heartbreak. Everything happens for a reason, our crossing paths were no different. Our experiences shape who we are and where we are meant to end up. This year I learned that at 22 years old, for right now, I am enough for me.

A year changes you a lot and that's okay!
As I sit here writing this piece, with multiple emotions over coming me, reminiscing about a year which has flown by, I have decided that 2016 is going to be whatever I want it to be, it's going to be good!

This year I made changes for the better and I'm going to continue doing what's best for me. I have decided to make myself a priority and put my own feeling and body first for a change. I have taken steps to make my mind healthier now I'm ready to make my body itself healthier.
I want 2016 to be a year of new experiences, a year to travel to new places and a year to make new memories with the most important people in my life. 2016 is shaping up to be a good year for me! I have secured my dream internship with a company full of empowering women who I know I will learn a lot from, it has been a hard road to get here but I am ready to put the work in for my future career. I have new tattoo bookings made and travel plans with friends.
This year I want to become more dedicated to blogging, to put out quality content, to be more consistent with posts and to get more involved in the irish blogging community. For years I have wanted to set up a YouTube but I've never had the confidence, maybe this year will be the year.
I am ready for the year to come!

Here's to the year that's gone and the year to come. I hope it brings you everything you need just as you need it.
Love, A x
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